Vážení piloti LAA SR,
prišiel mi mail v ktorom nám oznamujú, že projekt podpory na výmenu rádiových staníc 8,33 nebol finančne podporený. Momentálne nie je možné počítať s dotáciou na nákup rádiostaníc. V prípade, že sa v tomto smere niečo zmení, budem Vás o tom ihneď informovať.
Originálne znenie emailu prikladám:
We have now received the official news that our application for funds on behalf of General Aviation in 19 EU Member States has not been successful. This confirms what we suspected, but needed to wait for the official confirmation before reacting. The reason given is that the allocation of funds to third parties was not foreseen (or is not allowed) within the rules. This is something that we are still querying pending the final announcement from the Commission which is yet to be made.
We are immensely disappointed that we have not been successful on behalf of the General Aviation community which is being financially penalised by the 8.33kHz mandate. At the same time, we think it is important to ensure that the voice of General Aviation continues to be made and that the impact of EU wide decisions which ultimately affect the viability of General Aviation activities are considered when mandates like EU Reg 1079/2012 are issued. However, we must also consider that the funds that were available were four times oversubscribed and so there will be many high-quality bids which likewise have not been awarded any funding. If we had not applied, we would not have been in the running to be awarded.
We are extremely grateful for the support that you have given to this initiative by registering on the project website. We will continue to lobby for access to INEA funds and other financial instruments to support General Aviation where changes such as 8.33kHz can be considered as benefiting European aviation infrastructure.
We must also look on this attempt positively since we have, in barely four months, garnered the direct support of:
- 19 European States which sponsored the application to INEA;
- More than 3000 aircraft owners covering more than 5000 aircraft;
- More than 250 aerodromes.
We will now be suspending the project website and will keep you informed of any news updates that we have as we go through the appeal process and try to identify if there might be an alternative route.
Osobne ma tento výsledok veľmi mrzí.
Ing. Róbert Grexa