Bill Moyes 12. júl 1932 – 24. september 2024

Zomrel Bill Moyes, legendárny priekopník voľného lietania, lietania na rogalách a ich konštruktér.

Bill mal 92 rokov. Inšpiroval tisícky, zmenil životy mnohých nadšencov leteckých športov!

Zo stránky Moyes Delta Gliders:

„Thank you for the outpouring of love and support for Molly and the family during this difficult time following Bill’s passing. We cherish the wonderful stories and memories that showcase how Bill touched so many lives.

In honor of Bill’s legacy, Molly has requested that instead of sending flowers, you share your photos and memories. Please tag Bill Moyes and Molly Moyes on social media, or email me at to be included in the „Book of Bill.“

Your contributions will help celebrate the incredible impact Bill had on all of us. #billmoyes#mollymoyes

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